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Udemy, Inc. is a for-profit massive open online course (MOOC) provider aimed at professional adults and students. As of May 2022, the platform has more than 52 million students, 196,000 courses, and 68,000 instructors teaching courses in over 75 languages. There have been over 712 million course enrollments
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Are you ready to learn Python like a Professional? #ad
You’re going to start from the basics and go all the way to creating your own applications and games! I’m very excited for you and what you’re going to build!
You should also consider this course if you need a solid refresher on some of the major topics.
For example, I liked the advanced Python modules, especially the one on Python Debugger which helps to debug your code much faster. Another great section every developer needs to know is Python timing which helps to figure out which code is better-performing. You might be doing a lot of performance testing if you get to work on a big project.
You also get the section on testing your code where you get introduced to how to use Pylint and Unittest to get your code tested and scored.
This course is a well-structured bootcamp, which I can always use as a reference if I need a refresher when coding in the future.
On @Udemy everyone can learn new skills and grow professionally, no matter their background! I’m looking forward to hearing more amazing stories about career changes.
Go to Udemy.com or the link in my bio to start your career in programming.
Let’s get in touch!